Visiting Hours: Maryborough Hospital 8am – 8pm, 7 days / Residential Aged Care Communities: No set hours

Allied Health

As part of our range of Community Services, we provide allied health services across all life stages from babies to aged care, including supports for families and carers. You can access these services by referral from your GP or a health professional. You can also make a self-referral (read more below).


A dietitian is available at MDHS to provide education, advice and programs that promote health through improved eating and modified diets to encourage good nutritional habits.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapists are able to assist people of all ages to maximise safety, independence and well-being in their daily activities within their environment whether at home, work or in the community and enhance ability to manage living with injury, illness or disability.

Physiotherapy & Exercise Physiology

Our physiotherapy service assists clients in the prevention, treatment and management of movement disorders arising from muscle and skeletal injury, illness or disability. Exercise physiologists are available to assess and plan safe exercise programs and provide health coaching for clients with acute or chronic injuries or illnesses.

Counselling, social & welfare work

Counselling, casework, referral and advocacy is available at MDHS to support people in dealing with life’s challenges, including loss and grief, relationship breakdowns, family issues, stress, anxiety and depression.

Housing Services

For those experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Contact MDHS reception on 5461 0333 (option 1) to make an appointment. Statewide Homelessness Line: 1800 825 955 (freecall number, open 24/7) – this is also the after-hours homelessness contact number for Victoria.

Speech Pathology

Speech pathology services are provided to pre-school children and adults. Regular clinics are available at Maryborough, Avoca and Dunolly.


You can make a self-referral to Maryborough District Health Service in relation to our range of Community Services.

Please complete the form below as best you can to help us understand you and your needs. Tick the boxes that best describe your situation, and write in the spaces provided. Don’t worry if you cannot complete all the questions.

Send the completed form to [email protected]. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Self-referral form 2024