Visiting Hours: Maryborough Hospital 8am – 8pm, 7 days / Residential Aged Care Communities: No set hours

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Your body, your health, your choice

Two women sitting in a park.

Sexual and Reproductive Advice Clinic

Our Sexual and Reproductive Advice (SaRA) Clinic aims to support the sexual and reproductive health needs, and well-being of women, girls, and gender-diverse people, regardless of where you live, work or socialise in the community.

The SaRA clinic is dedicated to empowering people to make decisions about their reproductive and sexual health that are right for them.


The clinic is free and confidential. No referral is required.

The clinic provides services and advice around contraception, early pregnancy care, pregnancy choices (medical and surgical abortion), the morning after pill, pelvic pain, endometriosis, fertility and sexual health, with access to treatment, screening and prescriptions.

We provide time-critical treatment, advice, and counselling, including referral to specialist services based on the needs of each person and their family.

You’ll be seen by Endorsed Midwives, working with local GP clinics and specialists in our region.

Make an appointment

For more information or to make an appointment

Clinic hours

The new service is easily accessible with convenient hours, online bookings, telehealth options and language interpretation services.

The clinic is open four days from:

  • 4.00 pm to 7.30 pm, Monday and Tuesdays
  • 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, Wednesday and Thursday.

The clinic is located at the Maryborough campus, 75 – 87 Clarendon Street, Maryborough.
Enter via the main entrance.

Our promise

  • Seeking to understand you as a person, not a condition
  • Caring for you with compassion and kindness
  • Treating you fairly and respectfully on every occasion
  • Keeping you safe and informed with open and honest communication

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