Visiting Hours: Maryborough Hospital 8am – 8pm, 7 days / Residential Aged Care Communities: No set hours

Community update – May 2023

Community update on hospital redevelopment

An artists impression of a hospital reception area.

Read the latest community update on the Maryborough and District Hospital redevelopment.

Project overview 

The $100 million hospital redevelopment promises state-of-the-art healthcare facilities to help staff deliver better healthcare and treat an extra 4,000 patients a year.

The redevelopment is part of a broader master plan for the precinct.

Early works for the project, led by contractor SJ Weir and Maryborough District Health Service, are nearly complete.

This scope of works in the early stage focus on preparing the site to make way for the new build. They are expected to finish in June.

Completed so far

  • Relocation of family and non-violence services to refurbished facilities off Florence Lane
  • Relocation of selected allied health services to renewed premises on High Street
  • Demolition of buildings on corner site to make way for new hospital building
  • New off-street parking at the north end of the hospital.

Read more about the Maryborough and District Hospital redevelopment.

Progress update

Dental services in new digs

Our dental services team is settling into their new premises above the Clarendon Medical Centre on Neill Street.  The move was required to make way for the new hospital building.

The dental clinic includes four bright treatment rooms with plenty of storage and a shared reception area.

The refurbished space offers clients a new pleasant dental experience. The rooms provide views of the hospital precinct and TV screens on the ceiling can help patients relax.

A new accessible toilet and ceiling hoist helps support patient mobility needs and there is a dedicated oral hygiene station for educational activities.

On top of the works completed by SJ Weir, our team worked with staff from Dental Health Services Victoria to move, calibrate and test the dental imaging equipment and chairs.

Thank you to staff and clients at Clarendon Medical Clinic for your cooperation during the works.  Read more.

Service relocations

Works to relocate services such as sewerage, the water supply and fire services are expected to wrap up in June.

Access to Urgent Care

Maintaining clear ambulance and patient access to the Urgent Care Centre (UCC) is a priority during the construction of the new hospital building.

Builders have created a temporary access route and patient drop-off zone to the UCC while they undertake service relocations.  Entry is still via Clarendon Street.

We can expect to see more construction equipment onsite in the coming weeks as builders start civil works on a temporary ambulance driveway which will be in place until the new hospital building is constructed.

Other activities and related projects

Once main works construction gets underway, we can expect to see more contractors onsite. This may result in some changes to parking in the area.

We’ll be working with the appointed builder, Central Goldfields Shire Council and the Victorian Health Building Authority to minimise any disruption as much as possible.

We appreciate your patience as we continue to work through this major construction project which will bring significant benefits to our region.

Back of house project

MDHS is working on a separate project to expand our logistics capacity to support the hospital redevelopment.

The Back of House logistics project will enable us to expand our capacity to deliver on behind-the-scenes services such as general and clinical waste management, linen and supply and maintenance.

The appointed architects, Harmer Architecture, have started to engage with staff to develop the schematic design. This will enable us to cost up the project with a shovel-ready design to apply for funding later in the year.