Visiting Hours: Maryborough Hospital 8am – 8pm, 7 days / Residential Aged Care Communities: No set hours

Community Services

MDHS’s role in providing quality healthcare extends well beyond the acute and medical care space. We are committed to leading and being key partners in a range of innovative and exciting community health initiatives designed to make our communities healthier, stronger and more connected than ever before.

Our community-led healthcare programs and initiatives for people of all ages are delivered through effective partnerships and collaborations with other like-minded organisations. We also provide a range of allied health services. To access our community and allied health services, you can also make a self-referral  (read more below).


The Nest is a parent-led welcoming, culturally safe and supportive place for all parents to come together through drop-in sessions, scheduled activities, and programs that help build confidence and social connection.

The Nest facilitator is available at the drop-in space to chat about local resources and services, kinder registration and more.

The drop-in space provides facilities for feeding, changing, and a play space for young children.

Drop in between 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday at 91 Nolan Street Maryborough.

Find out more about The Nest:


Phone: 03 5461 0685

E-mail: [email protected]

Follow The Nest on Facebook @theparentingnest

Family Violence Support

MDHS is committed to supporting people impacted by family violence.

Family violence is a widespread health issue and MDHS can be an early contact point for people who have experienced or are experiencing family violence.

If you are in immediate danger, call Victoria Police 000.

You should seek support if:

  • someone close to you is hurting you, controlling you or making you feel afraid – such as your partner, family member, carer or parent(s)
  • you are a young person who doesn’t have what you need to be okay
  • you are worried about the safety of a friend or family member
  • you need more support with the care of children, e.g. due to money issues, illness, addiction, grief, isolation or conflict
  • you are worried about the safety of a child or young person
  • you need help to change your behaviour and stop using violence in your relationships

The Orange Door is a specialist family violence service co-located at MDHS. The organisation responds to all internal and external referrals in person or by phone ensuring confidentiality and safety is maintained.

Phone 1800 512 359 for assistance.

Available Assistance


24 hour helplines:

Safe Steps:  A state-wide service for women and children experiencing violence or abuse Ph: 1800 015 188

1800RESPECT:  Provides a national sexual assault domestic family violence counselling service that supplies information and support Ph: 1800 737 732

WIRE Women’s Support Line: 1300 134 130

Lifeline: Provides crisis support and suicide prevention Ph: 131 114

MensLine: National telephone and online support service for men Ph: 1300 789 978

Men’s Referral Service: Provides anonymous & confidential telephone counselling, information & referrals to help men stop using violent and controlling behaviour 1300 766 491

Local Service Providers:

Centre for Non-Violence: Support for women and their children experiencing family violence.  Ph: 1800 894 2292 or 5430 3000 (Bendigo)

Berry Street: 24/7 Family violence specialist crisis response and support services.

Ph: 5331 3558 based in Ballarat covering Grampians region

WRISC Family Violence Support: Provides support, advocacy, referral to women and children. Ph: 5333 3666

Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS)

Under Part 5A of the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 and Part 6A of the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005, Information sharing Entities and Risk Assessment Entities can request information to assess and manage family violence risk and/or promote a child’s wellbeing or safety.

If you are an Information Sharing Entity or a Risk Assessment Entity, a request for information under this legislation can be made using the MDHS_Family_violence_and-child_information_sharing-request-form.

Once this form is completed, please email it to [email protected].

Nurse-Led Clinics

A Nurse-Led Clinic is available three days a week at the Avoca campus on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 am to 12 noon.

The Nurse-Led Clinic can be accessed for:

  • Blood tests
  • Simple wound dressing
  • Stitches removal

How can you access this?

There are nine appointments available on each of those days and to book an appointment please telephone 54651202 or 54610300.

Please note that the Nurse-Led Clinic is not for emergency care.


Transition Care Program (TCP)

The Transition Care Program provides short-term support for community members following an admission to hospital or rehabilitation centre, providing more time and support to get well after prior to returning home or into a residential community.


Community Palliative Care

Our Community Palliative Care service works with people who have a terminal illness, their families, carers and the community in promoting and providing high-quality palliative care.

The staff liaise and work in conjunction with other community-based services to provide holistic care. The service is available to anyone of any age with any diagnosis; we understand how important it is to be cared for at home.

How do you access this?

Any one can make a referral to Community Pallative Care .  Your medical care team will need to provide us with relevant information in relation to your condition. You can call to discuss your needs with our palliative care nurse  on 5461 0333.


District Nursing

MDHS District Nurses provide a wide variety of nursing services to assist eligible clients in maintaining health, independence and quality of life within their own home, including wound and medication management, health education and promotion, nursing support to clients and carers.

Assessments and referrals to other services can be arranged.

For further information please contact District Nursing directly on telephone 5461 0333.


Hepatitis C clinic and opioid replacement program

MDHS offers treatment programs for hepatitis C and opiate addiction at Maryborough Hospital. You can make an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner who will assess, refer for testing and prescribe treatment as appropriate. The hepatitis C treatment is very effective at clearing the virus from the body and the opioid replacement program is a sustainable long term option, with a good success rate. Both of these programs can make a huge difference to health and wellbeing.

For more information, or to book an appointment, call 5461 0333. Community members can also complete a self-referral form and email to [email protected]



You can make a self-referral to Maryborough District Health Service in relation to our range of Community Services.

Please complete the form below as best you can to help us understand you and your needs. Tick the boxes that best describe your situation, and write in the spaces provided. Don’t worry if you cannot complete all the questions.

Send the completed form to [email protected]. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Self-referral form


GP Services

Medical clinics are located in Maryborough and Avoca with care provided by a number of General Practitioners (GP’s).

Nightingale Clinic, Maryborough

Clarendon Medical Centre, Maryborough

Dunolly Medical Clinic

Nightingale Clinic also offers a part-time service at our Avoca campus. A medical practice is also located in Dunolly, with the doctor providing care for Residential Community residents at Dunolly campus.

Our local General Practitioners are credentialed as Visiting Medical Officers (VMO’s) at MDHS and provide excellent medical services for our Urgent Care Centre, anaesthetics for theatre, obstetric and antenatal care as part of Maternity Services and medical treatment for acute inpatients and Residential Care residents.