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Health Minister announces $4.3 million funding for support services

Tuesday 20th February, 2024

We were very pleased to welcome Victorian Minister for Health, Mary-Anne Thomas to Maryborough on Wednesday 14 February where she announced $4.3 million in funding for an important project for Maryborough District Health Service.

The funding, received under the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund (RHIF), will be used to improve our capacity to provide seamless and efficient support services as Maryborough Hospital expands.

The Support Services Logistics project will enable us to improve productivity and our ability to deliver on behind-the-scenes services, such as general and clinical waste management, linen supply, supply chain and maintenance.

Ms Thomas, who was accompanied by Member for Ripon, Martha Haylett, took a tour of our Support Services area, meeting key members of our team. This included our Manager of Procurement, Supply and Contracts, Jess, and Kerry-Lee from Laundry Operations, who were able to share how the project will expand capacity, improve safety, quality and efficiency, and deliver better care to patients.


The RHIF 2023-24 was made possible by an additional allocation of $300 million in the 2022-23 Victorian State Budget, to be allocated across four years. Taking the total investment for the fund to $790 million. The delivery of 45 projects across 39 rural and regional health services in the latest round will support the creation of hundreds of jobs across the state.

Image 1 (main image): Mary-Anne Thomas Minister for Health and Martha Haylett, Member for Ripon with MDHS staff and board members celebrating the announcement.

Image 2: Martha Haylett, Member for Ripon, Jess Manager of Procurement, Supply and Contracts and Mary-Anne Thomas Minister for Health in our soon to be renovated Supply area.

Image 3: Martha Haylett, Member for Ripon, Mary-Anne Thomas Minister for Health and MDHS CEO Nickola catch up with Kerry-Lee from Laundry Operations on their tour of Supply Services.