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Media Releases

Holistic end of life care – something we all need

Wednesday 24th May, 2023

If you or a loved one are given news of a life-limiting illness, or terminal diagnosis, there is dedicated support available from Maryborough District Health Service (MDHS).

“Our team of palliative care nurses support people and their families, sometimes over years,” said Robyn Jordan, Associate Director of Community Services at MDHS.

“We offer client-centred, holistic care, provide guidance for making decisions around care planning, medications and services which improve quality of life,” she said.

MDHS district and palliative care nurse Ann Maree Jones has been a nurse at MDHS for more than 30 years, with much of that time spent supporting patients through palliative care.
“I feel privileged helping people to remain at home throughout their illness supporting family and friends with their care,” said Ms Jones.

“Listening to people is very important. I’ve learnt to stay calm even when it’s highly emotional and to be there for people”.

“We work closely with the local general practitioners and allied health services” said Ms Jones.

“It is through our team’s work that families are able to cherish the last days with their loved ones and patients can pass away at home, if that’s what they choose,” said Robyn Jordan, Associate Director of Community Services at MDHS.

National Palliative Care Week runs from 21-27 May and the theme this year is Matters of Life and Death.

“It’s a time to recognise our remarkable nurses like Ann Maree, physiotherapists, social workers, occupational therapists, dietitians, speech pathologists, social welfare workers and others who contribute to the holistic approach which is at the heart of palliative care at MDHS,” said Ms Jordan.

“Ann Maree has a unique ability to connect with families in a time of vulnerability and sadness. Her kindness and accepting nature of all situations enables her to deliver compassionate and comforting care.”

Anyone can make a referral to Community Palliative Care. You can call a palliative care nurse at MDHS on 5461 0333 to discuss your needs.

“To gain the most benefit from the support available, we encourage people to reach out to our service as soon as possible following a diagnosis,” Ms Jordan said.

Photo caption: MDHS Palliative Care Team. L-R: Emajun Patten, Dietician, Ann Maree Jones, District and Palliative Care Nurse, Lisa Evans, Clinical Coordinator – District Nursing and Elizabeth Pierce, Occupational Therapist