Visiting Hours: Maryborough Hospital 8am – 8pm, 7 days / Residential Aged Care Communities: No set hours

Privacy & Your Rights

How does MDHS protect your information?

MDHS recognises and is committed to protecting the privacy of patient, resident, client and staff information. The health service has policies to ensure compliance with the Health Records Act (Victoria) 2001, Privacy Act 2000 and the Information Privacy Act 2000.

Access to documents and records held by MDHS may be requested under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Members of the public wishing to access documents can apply in writing to the FOI Officer at MDHS.


Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 gives you the right to access your information held in MDHS’ records.

Applications must be in writing to the FOI Officer using an FOI Request Application form or in writing. Please note that a form of current identification, including your signature, e.g. drivers licence, is necessary to complete your application, and the form must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.


Freedom of Information Brochure

Freedom of Information Application


Protected Disclosure

The Protected Disclosure Statement replaces the Whistleblowers Act.

Click below for more information.

Protected Disclosure Procedure


Your rights & responsibilities

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights in Victoria describes the rights of patients, consumers and other people using the Australian healthcare system. These rights are essential to make sure that, wherever and whenever health care is provided, it is of high quality and is safe.

It incorporates the content of the previous Victorian Public Hospital Patient Charter into a new brochure to enhance articulation of the rights of patients, consumers and carers in the Victorian setting and ensures congruence with the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006, with which all publicly funded organisations must comply.

Read the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights below, which describes your healthcare rights. The Charter describes what you, or someone you care for, can expect when receiving healthcare at MDHS.

Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights