Visiting Hours: Maryborough Hospital 8am – 8pm, 7 days / Residential Aged Care Communities: No set hours

Orange background with megaphone and a tag saying scam alert

Maryborough District Health Services (MDHS) is alerting the community about a scam involving an individual falsely claiming to be a MDHS employee.

The scammer, using the name Dr Gemma Clancy, is targeting vulnerable community members through Facebook Market Place and directing them to collect goods from the hospital.

“If you receive any unsolicited calls, messages or emails claiming to be from MDHS, please do not engage or provide personal information,” said David Edwards, Deputy CEO, Maryborough District Health Service.

“MDHS will never ask for sensitive details such as bank account numbers or passwords via unsolicited communication,” he said.

MDHS urges anyone unsure about the legitimacy of a message or call to hang up immediately and contact the health service on 03 5461 0333 or through official channels.

“We are working with the authorities to address the issue and protect our community,” said Mr Edwards.

MDHS encourages reporting a scam or suspicious activity to Scamwatch or via Facebook services.

If you’ve lost money or personal details, Scamwatch provides steps to prevent further loss and seek support.

“If you’ve been scammed and lost money or personal information, please know that you’re not alone,” said Mr Edwards.

“We understand how distressing this can be, and we encourage anyone who needs emotional support to talk to family, friends, or reach out to services like Lifeline and Beyond Blue,” he said.

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