Visiting Hours: Maryborough Hospital 8am – 8pm, 7 days / Residential Aged Care Communities: No set hours

A male nurse in blue uniform shakes hands as he accepts an award from female auxiliary member

Passionate volunteers from the Dunolly Nursing Home Auxiliary have awarded a $1,000 education scholarship to invest in nursing at Dunolly Residential Community.

Faye Nicholson, President of the Dunolly Auxiliary, recently presented the annual award to this year’s recipient Registered Nurse Chandan Chandrasekharan.

The Maryborough District Health Service nurse is one of the After Hours Coordinators at Dunolly Residential Community, and has just completed a Master of Nursing (Chronic Disease and Ageing).

According to Donna Bell, Director of Nursing at the Dunolly Campus, the auxiliary awards a scholarship to a staff member studying nursing or undertaking further specialist education each year.

“We really appreciate the invaluable and ongoing support provided by the Nursing Home Auxiliary,” said Ms Bell.

“Chandan is such a worthy recipient of the Auxiliary award this year.

“He is passionate about nursing in the aged care sector and we are proud to have him as part of our team,” she said.

“We are grateful to members of the Dunolly Nursing Home Auxiliary who raise valuable funds to support and brighten the lives of the residents at special occasions throughout the year.”

“The auxiliary just recently donated a bouquet of flowers to every resident to celebrate Mother’s Day and has also contributed towards the restoration of the Red Cross Garden to its former glory.”

Dunolly is one of three residential communities managed by Maryborough District Health Service. The small community has 19 rooms dedicated to aged care, surrounded by bushlands and gardens.

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