Visiting Hours: Maryborough Hospital 8am – 8pm, 7 days / Residential Aged Care Communities: No set hours


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Update on COVID-19 cases at Wattle Rise Maryborough

Monday 11th July, 2022

The safety, health and wellbeing of residents is a top priority as Maryborough District Health Service (MDHS) manages a number of positive COVID-19 cases at the Wattle Rise Residential Community in Maryborough.

The team at Wattle Rise are supported by experts from the Grampians Public Health Unit and other government agencies to respond to the situation.

The health service is following government public health advice, and implementing measures that balance care and compassion with protection and caution.

The care for all residents and family members is a priority as staff continue to work to contain the outbreak and safeguard the most vulnerable people.

Any clinical care needs are managed by staff and the resident’s general practitioner.

Visitor restrictions are currently place until Saturday 16 July 2022. However this will depend on the outcomes of screening measures in the coming week.

Staff are communicating with residents and their nominated representatives to keep them informed about the situation and maintain connections with family and friends.

There is a big focus on offering support to residents through one-in-one activities and facilitating phone calls, video calls and window visits.

We understand this is a stressful time for staff, residents, and their families and friends, and we thank you for your support of our much-loved residential community.

Maryborough District Health Service would like to reassure everyone that it is doing everything it can to stop the spread of the virus and protect the safety of residents.

Thank you for your understanding while staff focus on implementing our outbreak management plan, and continue to provide quality, person-centred care to residents.

All residents have been vaccinated to help protect them against COVID-19 and seasonal influenza. All staff have received COVID-19 and flu vaccines, in line with the mandatory requirements for the health and residential aged care sector.