Maryborough District Health Service (MDHS) welcomes families and visitors to our hospital and residential aged care communities. Read more about visiting hours below.
While broad visitor restrictions were recently removed, visitor requirements may change rapidly to protect the safety of our staff, patients, residents and visitors in the event of a disease outbreak.
If you are unwell, please stay at home until you no longer have symptoms. Follow the checklist for COVID-19.
Maryborough Hospital
Visiting hours
Visitor hours in the Amherst Ward at Maryborough Hospital are 8.00 to 8.00 pm, seven days a week. Partners or the primary support person for patients on the maternity ward may visit outside these hours.
We aim to provide flexible visiting arrangements to meet patient needs when it is safe to do so. If you need to visit outside these hours please contact the ward.
Residential communities – aged care
Our residential communities have no set visiting hours and we encourage friends and families to visit their loved ones in our residential homes.
It is recommended you stay home if unwell or symptomatic to protect our residents and stay up to date with your vaccinations.
In the event of an outbreak, visiting restrictions may change, staff will inform nominated family contacts directly.
Contact the ward clerk or Nurse Unit Manager directly for up-to-date information on visitor requirements during an outbreak.
Exceptional / special circumstances*
Contact individual units for more information on exemptions for visitor requirements as these must be discussed with the authorised Nurse Unit Manager or After Hours Coordinator.
Smoke-free health service
MDHS is a smoke-free organisation and provides a smoke-free environment for employees, patients, clients, residents, contractors, volunteers and families.
The health service has a responsibility to provide an environment free of tobacco-related risk and be a leader in promoting the health benefits of a smoke-free workplace. This is applied to any building or outdoor area within the boundaries of our campuses.
MDHS staff, patients, and clients who smoke are encouraged and can be supported to reduce or stop smoking with access to a smoking cessation facilitator.
Please contact our Customer Excellence team on 5461 0333 for more information.