Visiting Hours: Maryborough Hospital 8am – 8pm, 7 days / Residential Aged Care Communities: No set hours


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Community nurse wearing a mask and gown as protective wear prepares to a male patient sitting in the car

Changes to COVID-19 testing over Easter

Friday 8th April, 2022

Maryborough District Health Service (MDHS) advises there will be a change to opening hours at the COVID-19 testing clinic on Florence Lane over the Easter holiday period.

Given the drive-through testing clinic usually operates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the testing clinic will be closed from Thursday 14 April (day before Good Friday) through to Tuesday 19 April (Easter Tuesday).

The clinic will reopen on Wednesday 20 April and Friday 22 April, before closing again for the Anzac Day Public holiday on Monday 25 April.

It is recommended that households plan ahead to ensure they have an adequate supply of rapid antigen tests (RATs) available.

RATs are recommended as the first option for testing for most people. COVID-19 testing will also available at selected sites in Bendigo and Ballarat if needed.
The health service is also reminding community members to stay COVIDSafe.

“We know Easter is a popular time for family and friends to get together so we urge you to keep your health and COVID safety top of mind,” said Robyn Jordan, Operations Manager – Community Services, Maryborough campus.

“Please stay at home if you are unwell or are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.

“Meet outdoors if you can, and if you invite people to your home, try and gather in large well ventilated rooms or in the garden.

“While face masks are no longer required in most indoor settings they are still recommended.

“This is particularly important when visiting the grandparents or people who are more vulnerable to COVID-19, or if you can’t physically stay 1.5 metres apart,” said Ms Jordan.

“Finally, if a member of the family tests positive to COVID-19 using a rapid antigen test, don’t forget to follow the COVID-19 checklist and isolation rules, and report the result.

“Reporting a positive case to the Department of Health will help link you to the most appropriate care in your area if needed,” she said.

To find your closest COVID-19 testing clinic visit, and follow the links to complete a Testing Registration Form.

To get tested at Maryborough complete the pre-registration and then phone between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm on open days to make an appointment.

For more information and how to make an appointment testing clinic in Maryborough visit

For more information about how to stay COVIDSafe visit