Visiting Hours: Maryborough Hospital 8am – 8pm, 7 days / Residential Aged Care Communities: No set hours

View of a hospital reception and lobby area.

Read the latest community update on the Maryborough and District Hospital redevelopment.

Project overview 

Early works to redevelop and expand Maryborough and District Hospital are well underway.  The $100 million investment will provide state-of-the-art healthcare facilities to help staff treat more patients and deliver better care to our community.

Works to prepare the site and make way for the redevelopment started in June 2022, following the appointment of contractor SJ Weir. The scope of early works includes:

  • Site preparations including relocation of in-ground services and demolition of buildings
  • The relocation and refurbishment of dental services above the existing Clarendon Medical Centre
  • New on-site car parking at the northern end of the site, between Clarendon Street and Florence Lane
  • The relocation of family and non-violence services to refurbished facilities in the former Health and Movement Centre off Florence Lane (complete)

Read more about the Maryborough and District Hospital Redevelopment.

Progress update

Site preparations – demolition and sewer main update

The former VicRoads building on the corner of Clarendon and Neill Street was demolished in July 2022 to make way for the new hospital. Demolition works at 2 Neill Street are scheduled for early February to clear the building site.

The former Wellness Centre on Clarendon Street was demolished in December 2022 to create a temporary access route to the Urgent Care Centre (UCC) in readiness for when main construction works begin.

A bulk oxygen cylinder has been moved to a new location. Works to upgrade a sewer main on Clarendon Street are expected to be completed in the coming week. A detour is in place for local traffic. Pedestrian access is available.

Dental services – new facilities taking shape

Works continue to progress on the new dental facilities located above the Clarendon Medical Centre on Neill Street. The floors have been strengthened to allow for heavy dental equipment. The wall frames were completed, and plumbing and electricals roughed in, to make way for plastering in December.

The plastering is finished and the walls and ceilings are ready to be painted. Upcoming works include the completion of electrical and mechanical ceiling services and vinyl floor installation.

Northern car park – more parking on the way

Civil works to make way for new onsite parking at the northern end of the hospital were completed in late 2022. This included fencing the boundaries, upgrading stormwater systems and the installation of retaining walls.

Kerb and channel works, site levelling and road base preparations are in progress in preparation for the bitumen to be laid in February. Works on the footpaths, rails and curbs continue as contractors prepare to install the carpark lighting.

The new car park located between Clarendon Street and Florence Lane will bring more than 40 new car spaces in the first stage of works to provide safe and better access to the hospital and nearby co-located services.

Relocation of family services

MDHS relocated physiotherapy and allied health services to High Street in September 2022 to make way for the refurbishment of the former Health and Movement Centre.

Anglicare Victoria, the Centre of Non-Violence and The Orange Door network moved from the former Wellness Centre on Clarendon Street to newly refurbished facilities in November.

Other activities

In the coming months, we can expect to see a lot more works and contractors onsite as we move into the construction stage.

The project team will continue to work closely with Victorian Health Building Authority, who are leading the project, and the Central Goldfields Shire Council to minimise the disruption to services and the community as much as possible.

The project team is meeting with staff at Central Goldfields Shire Council to discuss how we can work together to minimise impacts for pedestrians and parking as the project ramps up.

Thank you for your patience while we work through this major project, which will bring significant benefits to our community.

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